By Request: Some Kitty Pics!

Posted in Animals on June 25th, 2011 by Coffee

This one’s for you, Beth!

We’ve been meaning to try to capture this for some time on “film”. Whenever Fidget goes outside on a wet day he comes in with his legs and belly absolutely drenched and covered in these cool little spikes and tufts. Then he proceeds to wander around getting food etc, jump on the couches etc, then try to clean himself up a bit! Which can take a while!

When he comes back inside on a slightly wet day he comes back in covered in mud, and follows the same routine.

Whenever Fidget goes outside on a dry day he comes back in covered in dust!

He reminds me a lot of Pig-Pen from the Peanut comics!

Pinot seems to both have slightly shorter fur, and be that much higher off the ground that she doesn’t seem to collect the same amount of stuff on her excursions.