A new addition to the “orchard”…

I hear that true orchardists are fairly dismissive of the toy plantations that us lifestyle blockers call orchards, but I’m going to keep using the term. And as always about this time of year we take stock a bit and try to work out what we’re missing. And this was it this season. (We actually planted them a while ago – Just clearing the camera of all the doings. Expect a few more catch up blogs to come!)


A trio of cider apples! All the better to make some cider with. But it’ll take a few more years before they’re producing enough to make a brew. And expect to be subjected to a glass if you visit after that!

One Response to “A new addition to the “orchard”…”

  1. Sister Jo says:

    Looking forward to more updates as well as some cider! You could always ask Pop for some hints if you weren’t sure about the fermentation process…..

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