Oi! Where’s my kitchen!!

We’d heard reports that our kitchen was going to be installed today (or other reports that they may have actually even started yesterday) so of course we had to race out there to find out…

And of course, it hadn’t. In fact no one was on site at all. Grrrrr!

So to make up for that disappointment we had to have a look for something else to get excited about today instead. The highlight turned out to be that the shower bases had been filled in with whatever they fill in shower bases with before they tile them.

What a highlight!

Actually, there was another highlight really. The painters had managed to get some work done over the last couple of days and so there was a bit of colour appearing around the place. As it’s a light colour it’s all a bit hard to see really, but that’s the look we were expecting (the pic is clicky for a closer look).

Maybe the kitchen will be going in tomorrow…

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