Claiming some space

We just couldn’t wait any longer! Even though it’s not technically ours yet, we’ve paid enough that we thought we could claim some space. In fact we needed to claim some space.

Mum and Big Kev had to bring the truck up, so they very kindly popped past the house and dropped off all the treasures that make up the remnants of my pre-London life, and all the new treasures we’ve accumulated at the auctions now and then. Including some garden furniture that looks like it will have to serve as our lounge furniture for a few weeks as production of our new couches is somewhat delayed due to earthquake issues at the factory. But as it’s not really sitting outside weather that works out OK then. Although if we do want to sit outside we can always sit on the garden bench that was delivered (our first auction purchase, from memory).

So there are now piles of stuff in the centre of two rooms, trying to keep out of the painters way while they continue to do some touching up over the next couple of days, then we can hopefully put them all in their new permanent homes! Hopefully before everything else turns up on Thursday!

We also managed to clear up a lot of the mess that surrounded the house. Blocks and bits of concrete and plaster, chunks of wood, nails, bits of coloursteel, bits of tile and steel mesh, several cans and pie wrappers, and randomly a discarded white T-shirt. We can’t believe how messy everyone is! We didn’t plan on cleaning up though. When we arrived out there, the on-site key wasn’t where it was meant to be. Gulp! So we had a bit of time while we worked out what was going on there with not much else to do. Still a bit of work to do there, but at least we broke the back of that little chore.

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