Something new to watch…
Fidget found something new to watch today. And I’ve been keeping just as intent an eye on him. Yes, we finally have some chickens in the chicken run. And they look just the right size for a kitty to try to have a lot of fun with!
Meet the girls (clicky for more clarity). Three Barred Rock chicks. Well, not quite chicks, but close. About 3 1/2 months old apparently. So still a fair bit of growing to do yet. Which is just as well if we want to end up with any decent size eggs!
Fidget’s still not quite sure what to make of them. As yet he hasn’t made any real attempt to get up close and personal with them. But actually it’s Pinot that I suspect we’ll have to watch a bit more closely once she finally gets off her chair and goes for a wander outside. Given the amount of mice, birds, and baby hares that she’s still been bringing in as gifts lately she may well think on of the girls is a prefect gift.
So now we’ll just have to sit back and try to keep them fed and watered until they’re ready to reward us with a few home grown eggs now and then. Bring them on!
Have you named them yet??
Only when we can work out how to tell them apart will we even start to consider naming them!