I guess progress is being made…

Sometimes it seems like it’s easy for us to forget just how things were, and how far we’ve come with the house and garden. We don’t always have before and after shots of things, and if we do they seem to get stuck on memory cards somewhere in the cupboard and we don’t have a look and compare to now to see how things are coming along. But today I was scanning through some old directories and came across the photos that we took just over a year ago when we started to disguise the septic tank. This one, in fact:

Made me realise that some things have indeed changed over the last year! Here’s what it looks like today:

A lot better! Not perfect, but we’re getting there. And the much more even grass and lack of shingle piles is still a huge relief. Might still have to take a pail of green or brown paint to things yet though.

And I might just have to trawl through the memory cards to see if I can find some other before and after shots, just to make us feel like we’re making more progress.

One Response to “I guess progress is being made…”

  1. Sister Jo says:

    That’s what blogs are for… if you posted every day you could be sure of having a very accurate record that would allow you to link back and see the progress….. perhaps you could try it every day for the next month!

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