Always beware what lurks beneath the surface…
Stunning day here, so a bit of clean up in the garden was undertaken. All the manky celery plants that have failed to produce anything that was remotely unlike string were pulled out and thrown to the chooks, as well as all the parsnips that were lurking in the same plots.
We’d thought that this year’s parsnip crop was an abject failure, so we’d pretty much given up on them months ago, and all above ground traces of them had slowly vanished. Looks like we should maybe have paid them a bit more attention!
This little beauty weighs in at 1.447kg. Almost A&P show material! (Although you do have to have 3 matching veg for a good score there apparently, except in the giant pumpkin classification. You learn things like that out in the sticks.) And there were a few other good ‘un in there too. Looks like parsnip soup for the next week.
Which is just as well really, as there’s not much else happening out there. But at least we have some nice clear, freshly dug bits of garden for a change.
Help me Rhonda, you are even writing like a farmer now!