Coriander Crisis

As all of the chilli plants are still in a bit of a delicate state, what with still being infants and all, I try to keep a close eye on them.  Every 2 or 3 days I give each one a bit of a check up, making sure there are no little greeblies on them.  Over the last couple of weeks I’ve fond a couple and squished them, but nothing major.

But on Friday after checking all of the chillis I thought I  may as wel check the little coriander plants as well….

AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! What’s the next biggest thing after “gazzillion”? That’s how many aphidy things were on both them.  There was almost no plant material visible, it was all pretty much little green bugs!  Sitting right by the chillis! So straight into an airtight sandwich bag with them, pots and all…

I’m not sure if it’s a case of good “companion planting”, but luckily the chillis still seem clear, as do the other corriander that has just popped up from seeds I planted about a week ago.

I’ll be watching closely though!

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