Hi, sweetie!

This morning I’d decided to give up on the sweet peas I’d planted the other week.  Mainly because I’d kind of decided that the pot that I’d planted them in would perhaps be better used for more herbs or something else that we could eat, rather than something merely colourful.

And just when I’d told my sister this on Skype I went out and checked the pot. And guess what. The first sweet pea plant had decided to poke its head up overnight!

Hey, ho. I guess colour it is then. I guess the edibles will have to go in some of the other pots that we’ve got stacked up.

Oh, and we seem to be able to grow parsely pretty well!  Hopefully the plant that’s now doubled in size since we planted it (it’s bigger in real life than it looks in the photo, honest!) will see us though the year…  Let’s just hope the coriander catches up soon!


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