Chilli Census

As I’ve not mentioned them for a while you might have thought you’d escape any more chilli updates… But no. I thought it was about time for a census, so here’s the count as of today:

  • 11 Ring of fires on 2 plants (8+3)
  • 16 Jalapenos on 2 (7+9)
  • 5  Anaheim on 2 (3+2)
  • 3 Fresno on 1
  • 9 Prarie Fires on 1
  • 51 Cherry Bombs on 3 (21+12+18)

So if Bec can add, that equals 84 little bundles of yummy fun. If she can’t, it equals whatever the right total is of little bundle of yummy fun!

In fact, why don’t you have a look and see how they’re going too.  Here they are..

Ring of Fire


Prairie Fire






Actually, while we’re here, there’s a semi-interesting story about the sole remaining Fresno. The Fresnos really didn’t seem to like damp soil around their stems. The stalk of the other Fresno I kept just kind of rotted away and it fell over and died (sob!).

This plant kind of did the same thing. The stalk started to kind of turn black and rot away and the plant fell over, but then it seemed to decide to make a bit more of an effort, and started to turn 90 degrees and grow upwards again with a stalk that’s like a zig-zag kind of thing (if you get what I mean, and I’m sure that you do even without the picture that would be really useful here). And where the  stalk has been lying on the soil it’s just got a lot thicker and seems to have sprouted more roots.  Weird.  But anyway, I’m glad it made it…

I did say it was only semi-interesting!  On with the show…



and the Cherry Bombs


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