Introduction to computer programming concepts by way of practical examples 1: Planting hedges.
(This might make slightly more sense if you look at the individual story, and not the condensed view on the front page… Click here if you like.)
Sub PlantHedges
Dim HedgesToPlant as hedges = 2
Dim HedgePlants as HoneysuckleBox = 88
for HedgesStillToPlant = 0 to HedgesToPlant
Mark out desired hedge line with builders line and rocks
Dig turf out of desired hedge line
Fill hole that we've just dug with compost
Do While HedgePlants > 0 and not at end of hedge trough
dig hole for plant
if big stones in soil pile just dug up
pull out any big stones
put stones in empty plant pot
raise eyebrows in surprise
end if
push in HedgePlant
HedgePlants = HedgePlants minus one
put all soil just dug out of hole back around plant
move 25cm along row
next HedgesStillToPlant
clean up site so next mow of lawn doesn't fire stones everywhere
sprinkle blood and bone in the hope it keeps the hares away
celebrate completion appropriately
feel pretty weary and go watch rugby highlights to recover
End Sub
And that pretty much sums up our fun-day Sunday! Hope you can work out just how much fun we had in the cold, grey day. But at least that’s another 88 shrubs/trees planted. Just the last 100 of yet another size and shape to go. They’re going to follow a similar pattern though, I suspect. Good job we’ve got the perfect algorithm sorted now!
Let’s just hope we have the same level of assistance (i.e. sleeping) from munchkin when we’re planting the next instalment.