It happens every chilli growing season. The day that the little sprouts are transferred out into the big, wide pots.
I think we (I) might have overestimated the compost requirements somewhat this year, as after putting all 11 chilli plants in big pots and potting up some of the coriander seeds that I’d planted a few weeks ago we’ve still got a fair bit left. Oh well. I guess we’ll get another few pots and try some lettuce or something… And it’s definitely better than having to take yet another trip to a garden centre to get dirt. Of course we’ll have to go to a garden centre to get lettuce seeds or something, but that’s different!
Although making another trip to a garden centre might just be the end of us. Yesterday’s trip home from one was a bit of a disaster. I was not flavour of the month after deciding we should take a bus that was due to terminate close to our place. How was I to know that it was going to wander all over town (and “town” in London is quite a big area!) first before getting there!
Ok, so I should have remembered that we’d caught it before and been caught out before too, but that was over a year ago now… And why Bec ever chose to listen to me and get on a bus is still a mystery. I don’t really do buses. I’m more of a tube kind of guy.
Anyway, I still have no idea where everything is going to go once it starts getting a bit bigger, but we’ll find somewhere…
And I think I’m glad it only happens once a year. My back is feeling the effects of bending over for so long sorting them all out!